Jun 18·edited Jun 18

Yes - discipline - I love that word. Whenever I listen to the sermon in church, there is always what I call the "feet to the fire" moment. I know a passage is telling my to do something I know is right, but is diffucult to do, and God is trying to mold me into a better person. I am always drawn to stories of struggle and triumph - of course the Resurrection being the greatest story of all. My favorite passage of the bible is Hebrews 12:1-2 - "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith."

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I love the direction of this. That we can actively participate in God's will for us, even if that is something like, "stop wiggling - you're going to feel a small pinch." This is one of the best parts of prayer, aligning us correctly... but I wonder what else we could do to best position for a God that loves us and wants us to do well?

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If we are meant to live out meaning-incarnate, and if Satan is the consummate counterfeiter, ever-providing alternatives tempting meaningless action and imitation attitude, then the internet is the perfect setting for the supposedly healthiest, wealthiest and best-educated people in history to themselves become tools. And fools.

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*googles Tympanum*

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My uncle had an awful bout of tympanum, but they were able to clear it up with a salve.

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Lot of that going around.

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Silly Dave! You should have already known this word, just like me. I googled it the last time he said it! 😂

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The word disciple comes from the word discipline. We are to be disciples and learn the teachings of Christ Our Lord and Savior.

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With regards to the podcast June 21st

Who are the people that are going to look after the damaged kids in the sound of hope ?

The most likely are couples who can’t have kids themselves. (Though not all) And as all those childless couples (for one reason or another) are made in the image of God . They should play their part in bringing up the next generation in morality of the Ten Commandments on the walls in the Louisiana school . And as all couples are descendants of Adam therefore are fallen in some way. Perhaps God makes some fall further than others for a reason to serve a different purpose ? And that’s to pick up the collateral damage in the fallen relationships. Which ultimately serves as a reasoned legitimate argument showing abortion I’d not only unnecessary but an ultimate sin .

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And how do we instill a belief in others that leaving a blank page allowing Him room to write is far better than anything we have to say for ourselves. When we have social media, "experts", the internet, and AI to turn to, how do we show others to turn to Him? How do we change a culture from immediate gratification to enduring satisfaction?

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"For instance. A materialist might say that evolutionary necessity leads men to value a chaste woman. She can guarantee the paternity of her child, and so make it worthy of a father’s protection."

To which I would ask, given this all just happened by accident, and there nothing outside The Material Who Care What Difference does it make?

As Burt Bacharach and Hal David put it "What's it All About Alfie? Is it just for the moment we live?"

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