Perhaps you weren’t aware that epic poetry is right-wing now. Well, it is, along with working out, dressing well, and basically everything good. This is according to an article in The Nation, which contends almost illegibly that “a certain strand of conservatism has recruited the poetry of Homer and Dante in their culture war.”
Why might that be, I wonder? What possessed fascists like Elon Musk to POUNCE, totally unprovoked, on the towering works of Western literature that sneering leftists have subjected to revisionism and disdain for nigh on 50 years? Why are conservatives so obsessed with this?
As far as I’m concerned, however, most epic isn’t right-wing enough. Homer and Dante are great and all, but as politics goes they’re positively anodyne compared with the blood-pumping, chest-beating, cross-wielding mac daddy of them all. If you really want to trigger some libs, read on.