Welcome to The New Jerusalem.
We are two men—a father and son, one a storyteller, the other a scholar. Informed by tradition, led by faith, inspired by beauty, we are seeking the trailhead of the road to the New Jerusalem.
Every month, one or the other of us will post an essay about the ongoing assault on humanity. We will take turns laying out the case for human life against the corrosive forces of anti-humanism. But these essays will only be the beginning. For the rest of the month, Monday through Thursday, we will write daily letters back and forth to one another in which we wrestle with the problems we’ve raised, discussing works of art, news events, and modern cultural products that help inform the conversation.
On Fridays, for those that would like to support the publication financially, we’ll highlight one work of literature, film, or visual art from the Western canon that we think speaks profoundly to the human condition, and we’ll keep a list for those that might find it helpful as a resource. By the end of a year, we hope we’ll have made some headway toward charting out an alternative path toward life in the 21st century and beyond.
It’s been our joy and blessing that the natural relationship between us has grown into an intellectual and spiritual collaboration as well. Since that kind of organic communion is one hallmark of humanity worth saving, we think it’s right to make it a core part of what we offer here. Over the years, we’ve grown to realize that our distinct perspectives and disciplines—artistic and philosophical, emotional and rational—complement one another best in dialogue. These conversations have shaped us both profoundly. We hope you’ll benefit from joining in.
We welcome comments from paid subscribers of all points of view. We reserve the right to delete profanity, cruelty and irrelevant self-promotion.