Art, reflecting reality, seems to activate the imagination in the same way memory does.

When I hear a statement and check it against my memory, I really check it against my imagination.

And so I find it important to cultivate my imagination with good, useful art that I can take with me for reference in the challenging scenarios of life.

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I find when I make His story my story and strive to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ in its fulness, as He would exemplify, then His Spirit is with me and I am led to those places where the true and living Word is proclaimed and enacted. Nothing else comes close to the good news, the greatest story ever told. I am 80 years old and its has taken years of detours, mistakes and study to find the Gospel story is as good as it gets here in mortality and the realer it becomes the more joy comes with it. Happy travels.

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Made me think of the many churches I have attended who seem to have forgotten these essential plot elements!

Just like all of the spin offs and pre-quells and sequels of the movies have become watered down, captured by wokeism or so banal you want to hit your head against a wall, so too has the church.

And just like going to the movies, and even watching this drivel on my own home television, I am increasing finding going to church not worth my time.

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Selling Sizzle not Steak.

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Many times, in the human body, we think of captivity as being a slave. Christ holds you captive and that makes you a slave of Christ if you believe, but it is a slavery you enjoy. Christ’s many membered body does likewise. It captures people into the truth by teaching the word of Jesus Christ and you become a captive to Him through the service.

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