I think that it is impossible to know when God’s hand is visible enough to see, but I can count in my life many circumstances that should not have turned out as well as they did. How many “near misses” while driving, while working or at home, in the kitchen, the yard, going down steps, could have turned out disastrously? I believe in guardian angels, and some of them are exhausted, wearing sweats and track shoes to keep their wards out of danger. My father’s was certainly glad to see him, and I’m sure, greeted him by using the Terminator 2 line “I need a vacation.” Do they account for miracles? Many are too mundane, but some instances certainly count. As Trump said, “I shouldn’t be here”. I can say this about myself, my second daughter, my first daughter, my wife, who were all in near-death moments (severe auto accidents, childbirth, lymphoma, etc). I do see the hand of God in all this. Good engineering, skilled physicians, the right medication, all at work as well. I have always believed that a good physician is a tool of Providence, and should be a self-sharpening tool as well. That is part of the responsibility of a physician or any health care worker. True in many fields. The engineer who built the car that kept my daughter safe had a really good day when he designed that car. Hand of God, hard work, inspiration, dedication to the best that he can do? What’s the difference?

I cannot judge what is a miracle, but I have lived a life filled with the miraculous. I intend to continue doing so until I meet my guardian angel, and his Boss, and find out whether he also had to have sweats and track shoes.

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The iconic photo is not a perfect union, but it is a union trying to stay with its better angels.

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“Maybe we can reason together about God…” Spencer

I’ll see your reason and raise you one Isaiah 1:18 (KJV). ☺️

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I believe I read the would-be murderer got off 7 shots? And the sniper from Secret Service got off one shot for the kill even though his visibility was significantly impaired due to the would-be assassin’s location. That scenario is pretty unlikely in the statistical probability department.

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It’s actually, according to the work of citizen investigators with forensic expertise and the reams of video and audio evidence in the public square, a lot more complicated than the “lone shooter” narrative, which makes Trump’s near miss that much more astonishing, even miraculous. For an in depth look at some of what’s being discovered, check out the DarkHorse podcast:


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Snipers work off 27 different marksmanship principles. The standard squaddie works off four. Whilst I believe that this is the hand of God, snipers are just unbelievably good at what they do. You’re also assuming that the shooter knew how to zero his weapon correctly.

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Thank You, Almighty God, for sparring President Donald Trump’s life that day.

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With God's divine providence saving Trump, it is time for the republicans to stop losing and start coming up with a winning strategy. Republicans have the better ideas, but they continue to waste time on badmouthing a democrat person instead of the democrat policies that are hurting Americans and how the democrat party has hurt Americans in the past. Time to ask God to intervene again and show the republicans the WAY.

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Spencer, I think you're quite right to speculate on God's intervention that day. Shamelessly, I'm going to quote a poem I wrote to mark that occasion.

Thus unfolds grand events,

Yielding in us silence,

Witness the movings of His holy hand.

To God our oath is dying,

Yet still He’s testifying.

Behold, thirteen July, He took the stand,

And witnessed Himself through man, His own;

For us our benefit always, He is shown.

A Providential proof,

What upon us behoove:

A prophetic benediction began

To the Spirit Holy

To ‘use this crisis’ only

To bring us close to God, and man to every man.

Upon one way we walk, God quite another:

His will the assassin’s will would bother.

Shot, shot true, just pierced his ear,

But for God’s hand been near

To move his head just a fifteen degree;

And he said as he turned,

Now in history burned:

‘When you take a look at what happened…’ See,

Words perfect, time and place: down-sent divine.

All who see, see what happened: God in time.

Focus more upon his fall,

Look behind, ‘midst them all,

A lady performs the sign of the Cross,

And to our Lord she made

A prayer that life be saved.

‘Fore finality—perhaps life, maybe loss—

Wish a farewell to the world which held,

‘Cause forward now a different course compelled.

This tho’ not unto death,

He lives yet, has his breath!

He is raised, and lady second signs the Cross,

And to our Lord she made

Thanks that a life was saved,

Grant in us burn again deep love that’s lost

For man, for country, our Heavenly Host—

Defend all three ‘gainst those who hate us most!

U.S.A! Fight! Fight! Fight!

Chants chariot through night;

One bloodied face and a fist uprising,

A visage set: defying –

And Old Faithful flying,

Is the image of man and nation rising.

God, family, country—our nation’s treasured,

Ours to keep, tho’ must blood be measured.


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Christians balk at the Many Worlds Theorem but what if we are just catching a glimpse of the method of miracles? If God knows everything, he must have seen everything and every version of events. I think science is still the act of understanding God’s creation. I think we have just forgotten it in our petty squabbles.

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Quote: And in nothing doth man offend God, or against none is his wrath kindled, save those who confess not his hand in all things, and obey not his commandments. Unquote , Doctrine and Covenants 59:21. So how about we start confessing and obeying for starters.

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Jul 27·edited Jul 27

It you can't see the little miracles in your life, day to day, you're probably going to miss the big ones.

Spencer did a brilliant three part series a while ago on blood guilt and at the very end Spencer recites Brandt Jean's beautiful speech forgiving Amber Guyger for killing his brother and advising she "give her life to Christ." Spencer closes with something along the lines of "if you can't hear the voice of God in that speech, you maybe beyond my help." We can always reduce everything to biochemistry, electrons and statistics, but it's "B-grade" science (read "The Return of the God Hypothesis"). Was there an overt conspiracy to kill Donald Trump? I would, humbly, guess the answer is no. But there are errors of commission and errors of omission and sanctioning either, in this case is at least to some degree, maybe entirely, dependent on what god one worships. Outside of DJT's immediate Secret Service detail, there exists a Pagan State (Bannon calls it the Deep State) and those in that state, up to the apex of the present administration worship false gods. So the willingness to not really protect DJT (obviously) becomes something one need not angst over because, remember he's literally Hitler after all. So on this point, I think I disagree with Spencer. Was it a conspiracy? No. Was it not a conspiracy? No. This fell into a dark middle category created by the gods they worship.

Where does that leave us? Well paraphrasing, or working off Spencer's comment at the end of his blood guilt series... If you can look at the totality of the day President Trump was shot, the setup, the neglect, the missed shot, the head turn, the "angel flag", Trump's heroic reaction to overt palpable evil, and finally the Iwo Jima / Braveheart photo, and not see the hand of the Lord God Almighty, well then, you may be beyond my reach.

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