This shouldn’t be surprising considering the senior Klavan’s literary history, but I feel like I’m being drawn into a mystery that deepens with each letter.

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The door opens wider with each conversation -thank you!

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Onward Christian soldiers. There was a war in heaven. We are still fighting that war. The childish, grotesque version is over property and power. The war with the greater stakes is over souls and free agency. Paul talked about fighting powers of darkness in high places. That some in our family use their freedom in destructive ways is contrary to the plan of salvation. Yeah, we should lay down our weapons of war but fight we must for the moral order, for our rights and freedom and families and eventually peace. We have the best Commander - the Lord himself.

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This reminds me exactly of Alma 48 verse 10

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Oh, no, it’s…the French…again. 😂

It is, indeed, impossible to imagine anyone without sin, other than God. When we think of the only man who never sinned, we say, “Sure, it was easy for him. He’s God!”

And that thought, long ago, led me to wonder why God would create man so imperfect. I quickly came to three conclusions: we can only guess at God’s reasoning, and my “guess” was that He wanted to be loved as much as he loves his creations.

Come to think of it, that leads to even more conclusions, all still guesswork. The only way to be loved is by another’s free will. Further, free will leaves open the possibility that you might not be loved, and that loved one might do something contrary to your plans and desires.

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I REALLY hope that these letters will be compiled into a book I can buy. They are so good....

Possible title..."Musings by a Father and Son, concerning THE FATHER and THE SON, (with Guidance From THE SPIRIT)"

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And both write with such economy, which few writers seem to strive for.

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Aug 13·edited Aug 14

"The world is dappled all over with an ever-shifting array of customs and peoples, but it turns out man is everywhere a piece of work. Wherever you go you find him stamped in the same image, and wherever you go you find it marred."

Our friends on The Left don't believe that.

I've been A Christian for 50+ years. 2(?) years ago I had a revelation. We (Humans) Actually Like War. Looking back over recorded history it was a SHOCK to find War...War...War. 2 conclusions 1. We really haven't got the hang of this Love Your Neighbor, Live In Peace thing, 2. We're lying to ourselves.

Not sure which is true. SAC used to have a motto "Peace Is Our Profession." to which someone added "War Is Just A Hobby."

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The love of war has ever been the dirty little secret of humankind. We sublimate by competition in politics (said by Clausewitz to be an extension of war) and in sports, most notably. Sadly, that eventually proves insufficient, and the horrors of bloodshed consume us again. Until we, as God's children, acknowledge our part in the cycle, on the deepest level, we will continue to experience the slaughter and ruination of our neighbors, our families, and ourselves, the ruination occurring not least in our souls.

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This reminds me of a line from Men in Black: "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals..."

As individuals we can strive to live in peace, but put humans in a group and... sigh.

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Word for word, one of the wisest things I've ever read.

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The mountaintop is as high as we can physically go with these mortal bodies. What fantastic imagery that the heavens meet us there.

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