We should really start calling the progressives "regressives".

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Transgressive as well.

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There is a big sheet hung outside a house in my town which says, "We are all Palestinians." Well no, I reject that label and dream about spray painting the ugly thing in the night, except I respect private property. Which leads me to think we are all Jews to the extent we miss our Savior, and we are all pagans to the extent we fail to accept Christ. I am not putting a sheet out, though, as that would be crass. Only believe.

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Aug 19Liked by Spencer Klavan

I love your perspective! One correction: The director's name is "Night," not "Knight."

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Aug 19·edited Aug 19

When Jesus refers to himself, might he just be referring to the spirit which gives us all life?

He is of course fully man and fully God, but the same could be said of each of us, flesh and spirit.

Jesus rewrote history when he said the kingdom of God is within you.

No longer do we need to speculate about divine intervention; good and evil is revealed completely within the soul of every man.

Be perfect as our father in heaven is.

Disregard the flesh, live in the spirit, and you will have eternal life.

Do not justify evil or you will be casting your precious pearls, your life, before swine, your flesh.

The truth Jesus revealed was simple and singular, and we should let go of all the superstitious drama and follow his teaching.

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We may be fully human and fully spirit, but we are not fully God, as Jesus is/was. We also don’t know anything other than being fully human, and so we have no ability to live in the spirit. We can do it in short bursts, perhaps, but we cannot keep it up, because we are all broken. And that was a flaw built into us by God from the very start. It was no divine accident. He had to do it, for us to love him, because the same freedom that lets you love someone also lets you make mistakes.

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We take it for granted, but choice is really pretty dizzying. Think about it. We can choose to hurt or heal. Love or hate. To nurse our perceived hurts and slights or forgive. To jump off a cliff like a lemming or stand back and review the information available with (as much as we are able) rational analysis. To assume a hedonistic narcissistic approach to life or humble oneself that God is the center and fullness of the world and appreciate how incredibly lucky we are to be able to live in His presence. Pretty mind boggling.

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If the spirit is eternal, which I sense it is, then we had a pre-mortal life and will have a post-mortal life. We do know another world and I bet many of us are home-sick for it. That longing keeps me going, helps me remember or imagine (not sure which) and gives me hope that my brokenness will little by little be healed by the Great Physician, if I do things His Way.

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The resurrection is like a Phoenix from the flames phenomenon, you might say , which is like our own universe. We are not privy to the reasons why the Phoenix bursts into flames and is reborn again but it does. Though that life in it is the constant in the universe and like the Phoenix, Perhaps life is the key to the resurrection .

With this in mind, If we take just a cursory glance at what we do believe - starting with say “spooky action at a distance” ; if that’s a thing that can happen in physics, science and mathematics then a simple resurrection is just a walk in the park to prove with an equation or 2 , as it’s all just atoms & energy interacting . And lest we forget let’s bring up the old fabled multiverse, multidimensional, theoretical mathematics ( or theological mathematics) to be precise . If these theories are to be believed then a simple resurrection equation could be knocked out in an afternoon !

That is then topped off with the icing on more faith based maths cake of “dark” matter or “dark” energy (where “dark” replaces the words like “don’t know” “beats me” “I haven’t a clue” “don’t ask me” and “I’m a DEI hire”) so if you’er describing things you don’t know but believe to be there without evidence then what are you in the business of doing if it’s not faith ?

And as an aside, if dark energy is being created because the expansion of the universe IS accelerating , that then requires an input of energy to accelerate, so who or what is freaking creating it, should be the question.

With all this theoretical/theological pinging around in science, physics & mathematics is why everyone is so afraid to prove such a simple thing that by modern day understanding is a nailed on certainty. THE RESURRECTION is just a scientific discovery waiting to happen.

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