Aug 21Liked by Spencer Klavan

This hits the nail squarely on the head. Thank you for expressing so clearly something I sense daily.

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Aug 21Liked by Spencer Klavan

Bring these old bones back to life. An animate skeleton of truth as opposed to the mindless, brain eating zombie pagans.

I serve many masters but there is one Lord whom I must learn to serve before all others.

I ask myself, if you were to strip me of all that is righteous and holy, what would be left? Anything? Everything?

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For a few minutes, I was reading the title as "Manatee Idols" and was so confused, since the article had nothing to do with sea cows.

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Aug 21Liked by Spencer Klavan

I can tell you haven’t had your early morning coffee lol

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It at least hasn't kicked in yet. I can write about Christian Neoplatoic angelology just fine, but apparently can't read words. lol

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I won't hear any negative talk about manatees, the cuddle bunnies of the sea

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aHA! You do idolize Manatees!

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Aug 22·edited Aug 22

What is it with conservatives hating on free trade all of a sudden? Free trade is just the government not interfering with people exchanging goods and services. For some reason, doing this with foreigners is now anathema to conservatives. "You can't buy and sell stuff with foreigners! There must be tariffs to make things more expensive or the poor will suffer!!".

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Many companies could not compete with China subsidizing their products and using slave labor, forcing many American companies to close their doors. Many people lost their jobs, their lively hoods. This is not a conservative problem. This is a national problem.

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They didn’t lose their jobs because China makes cheap plastic toys. What specifically does china make that has supposedly put all these people out of work? America is no longer a manufacturing nation. It is a services nation.

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You mean Hollywood takes a beautiful idea with a multi layered, complex interaction of emotions, desires & motivations of the human condition, but instead of trying to add to this rich and varied content to produce even more beauty it goes the other way . For it then reads what a bunch of kids said about it online then rehash a acidic concentrate from those comments around those same complexities to feed a cult like following fentanyl substitute , in the image of the original idea’s ingredients. Then this is reheated through the process again and again until burnt ,bitter & toxic to consume, often resulting in the death of the idea along with an audience. Of course this will sound familiar as any boarder crossing guard knows. That is , this business model has all the hall marks of the average aspiring drug pusher ! And is what is technically described In Hollywood as a “franchise” .

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The same way preachers justify a hollowed out , formulaic sermon.

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