Aug 27Liked by Spencer Klavan

Which says to me there had to be the Fall so we could have the joy of our redemption. Go through hell to appreciate heaven? Submit ourselves to the basic path of faith, repentance , prayer and good works enduring the trials and torture knowing its all for our good. I can be cheerful about that plan. He will lead us on.

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The Felix Culpa!

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Yes. Beautifully stated.🙏🏻

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Aug 27Liked by Spencer Klavan

Dare I say its like "There's no place like home. There's no place like home. There's no place like home."

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Click your heels three times!

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Aug 27Liked by Spencer Klavan

A truly poignant reflection for today. Thank you, Spencer. That ending really landed (as my kids say).

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Aug 27·edited Aug 27Liked by Spencer Klavan

"So it’s less important whether those really are St. Athelby of Padua’s holy toenail clippings than it is to reflect that saints have toenails as well as souls, which might prompt the weightier consideration that God has hands as well as nail-wounds. Like a lot of hoary oddities in Church ritual, relics seem phony and eccentric...until they don’t."

3 Thumbs Up!

Now I don't believe Jonah was actually swallowed by a fish. BUT there's a little part of my brain that keeps saying...Maybe. I'll find out one day, when I get Home.

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Sometimes I try to write like my heroes...this quote is my pitiable attempt at a G.K. Chesterton impression.

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(Whispers) "Jonah". Your last sentence lifted my heart.

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I'm gonna go stand in the corner now. :-)

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Your posts are a pleasure to read. I'm glad you comment regularly, and hope you'll continue sharing your thoughts.

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Aug 27Liked by Spencer Klavan

Beautiful men grasp for straws and profit nonetheless.

I profit from figures and not from straws, but the beautiful get the best.

“A profit must be figurable,” I figured late at night.

But as I figured, the beautiful men woke by morning light.

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"grasp for straws and profit nonetheless." Love that.

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Aug 27Liked by Spencer Klavan

Thoughts to ponder for sure. Thank you, Spencer.

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