You are right. On Palm Sunday, in Catholic churches anyway, we do an interactive reading of the Passion of Christ. The congregation is the crowd in the Gospel and we all call out, "Give us Barabbas!" and "Crucify him! Crucify Him!" It has never been lost on me that that's probably what most of us would be saying in that situation, or we would have already run away in fear like most of the disciples. It's a humbling realization.

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"Likewise, there are some who say “the Jews killed Christ.” But I say, God must have chosen the Jews and prepared them over centuries because they were the best people for the job. And therefore the fact that some of them rejected and condemned Christ tells us that we would have done the same or worse."

I get upset when I hear people say 'the Jews killed Christ'. The truth is, we all did - mankind as a whole. I think it symbolic that the crucifixion as it played out involved both God's Chosen people - the Jews -and the Romans, who I believe represent all other - the Gentiles, so to speak. The Jews chose Barrabas over Jesus, true, but we all know that the execution itself was carried out by Roman soldiers. Pilate could have stopped this - he so much as admitted that Jesus was innocent and tried to symbolically wash his hands of the murder. But as we all should know who have reached the age of reason, inaction is action. All mankind was culpable in Christ's crucifixion. None of us has anything to boast about in that regard.

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No wonder we feel uncomfortable in this mortal world where we are called upon to stretch and struggle in our ascent to be born every day and become as He is. The Comforter comes not to remove the pain and anxiety but to infuse us with light and meaning, give us strength to bear all things patiently. I dislike waking up at 4AM in the dark but, God be praised, the dawn ALWAYS comes, gradually, gently, joyfully.

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The Pharisees and the Sadducees were the leaders of the day. Much like our elites today. They rounded up some Kenites to be rebel rousers. The Jews who were with Christ at the Passover were not the ones who wanted Him crucified.

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If the temporal world is the political & the violent, and the love involved in the sacrifices of “self” for others is the spiritual. Why has God created DNA (A violent conquering blind material process in the universe) which then culminates in a being that searched for love & sacrifice like a salmon , after a wonderful life at sea , drawn up a fresh water stream to sacrifice for another generation by spawning & dieting .

Perhaps when hiking in the wilds one should look to the stream and an wonder a the unfailing belief in sacrifice of the self for its next generation of a creature that tastes so great in a white wine sauce . “So man will have dominion over the fish 🐟 in the sea” .

So I guess the question is ; what is humanity’s ultimate sacrifice in the vast universe it’s aware of ?

I’m guess the Gospels are suggesting When humanity believes in the answer it’ll become like the salmon ?

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