Your letters are getting even more beautiful each day! Love the art too, please cite!

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Beautifully expressed. Gives me hope that we can all do better and be better through the power of the Atonement of Christ. Is that not good news?

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Acts 3:19 "Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord."

Once we repent the sin is blotted out. It is as if it never happened. We don't forget it though because we want to make sure we don't do it again.

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They say idle hands are the devil’s plaything, but when I look at the world I see billions of people who are decidedly not idle.

Of course the internet brings new temptations into the home, but it also brings new avenues for work, the benefits of which have not nearly been fully realized yet.

The ability to call and text, keep records, and navigate with gps allows for so many people to forge good lives, and that is a wellspring of optimism for me.

All that’s left is to reset the debt cycle and hopefully keep the dollar as the world’s reserve currency.

It won’t be easy, but I think Americans still have enough chutzpah to fix things without burning down the house.

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That artwork! What an icon for contemplation!

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Concupiscence -which is what we can recognize in ourselves-always trying prayerfully to overcome, see beyond and choose to joyfully live the lives we are meant for

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So the choice is ours, but, as you have made so clear, Spencer, only when we SEE that there is that choice to be made.

It’s easy enough to live out a well-regulated life, kept in order by good habits and the general desire to stay out of trouble, but by itself that well-regulated life does not make us a good person. It is what we care about deep down inside - what we love - that makes the difference. Is our predominant love a love for self, or is it a heartfelt desire to care for others and to serve them in whatever ways we can?

Oh, for “the stirring life of the new man.“

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Perhaps that’s why characters such as Russel Brand and your farther (unrelated of course) have a craving for the edge of the abyss as though there’s an undiscovered , unrealised garden of Eden waiting for them .

Only then discovering you’ve landed in satans garden barbecue and he’s flipping you over like a Burger .

But some can’t resist it some can

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Twitter is digital Crack. I had to give it up cold turkey.

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