All those who are giving it a name and creating spaces for this movement to flourish are certainly living out a calling. The Klavan duo, JBP, even Russell Brand…it’s a beautiful thing to see.

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"Truly consequential writers don’t carve out new forms so much as they give names to shadows." That is consequential writing.

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"I wrote in my essay that top-notch minds are coming around to the same traditions of faith as the workaday parishioner." GK Chesterton (a top-notch mind) said something along the lines that he could have saved himself a lot of trouble getting to where he finally landed if he would have just read his catechism. I am a workaday parishoner for sure, and I appreciate top notch minds like Spencer providing connections I would not have likely made on my own, but recognize them to be true as soon as they are placed in front of me. In the meantime, I just keep reading my catechism.

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One of the New Jerusalem’s more hopeful posts. This framing helps a lot, reinforces my fledgling impulse towards optimism. Thank you.

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Great post. The way forward is an affirmation that doesn’t ignore, doesn’t put on airs.

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You may not be able to punish Foucault for his thoughts, but they definitely could have shopped him for shagging kids in grave yards. Vile human being.

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“And drawing it out and giving it a name…” Thank you, Klavans!

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We seem to want to believe that the next idea is inevitable. Why do you think that is?

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A twofer!

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"Revival" is a scary word in end times, as the antichrist is coming pretending to be Jesus, and if he comes as a leader of a revival, he will convince a lot of people he is Christ.

Mark 13:14 But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it [transcripts say "he"] ought not, (let him that readeth understand,) then let them that be in Judaea flee to the mountains:

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