If we had more fathers writing to their sons (and daughters), this world would be a far better place.

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“… so deep in debt that one has to live in a childlike fantasy of economics…”—The Klavan

Ah, you mean like Robert Reich. 😂

I cannot help but agree that, if the elites had God in their lives, this world be better off. That brings to mind, however, the fact that man needs an enemy to fight, and it is always himself. Even when fighting Satan, we somehow found him in every person that disagreed with us. When Christianity ruled Europe as strong as its kings did, Europe fought itself. UNTIL Urban II called for a crusade to protect Constantinople and to retake the Holy Land from the infidels. Then, instead of fighting each other in Europe, we fought earth other somewhere else.

With that in mind, I believe each individual would be better with God in his life, but nations will always be ruled by the avaricious, who will want what another has, be that land, wealth and resources, or even a Helen.

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"When we were talking on our livestream the other day, you pointed out that God will give you everything you ask for but it will not look the way you think it will. Indeed, you may not even recognize it when it comes. In my experience, too, many answers to prayers steal upon us so gradually we aren’t even aware that they’ve arrived. Of course, once I fired myself as lord of my own life and handed the position over to God, I found he could work more swiftly without me in the way. I wish I had thought of this earlier, but I’m such a nice guy I couldn’t bear to tell me I’d been laid off."

If You Want To Made God laugh, Tell Him You Have A Plan.

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So are you saying we *are* burdened by what has been?

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Today’s post is, as always, hitting on important subjects. I have been involved with science, but not Science my whole life, so I believe that new life begins at conception, XX and XY chromosomes, male and female, the immutability of sex, the use of gender in the German language, and the recognition that there are masculine women and effeminate men, but they are still women and men. These are facts of science, as close to facts rather than theories or yet to be disproved “laws”. Interesting in that when one goes really small (sub-sub-subatomic particles, quantum theory, etc) things get really weird, or if you get only sorta small, and you see the replication of DNA (Jordan Peterson showed a phenomenal animation showing the enzymes duplicating the strands) with a genetic code which is just 3 base-pairs long (just enough for all the amino acids, so no lost efficiency there, otherwise, why not 4 or 5 base pairs for an amino acid? But I digress), you get to see just how unfathomably unlikely all this would have occurred only by chance.

I would have a bone to pick in the first paragraph, however. I confess to missing the live-stream (Bless me Klavan, for I have missed a livestream), but I do not agree that God grants us all our prayers, but not in a form we recognize. I believe God answers all prayers, but sometimes the answer is “no”. The better prayer is not praying for favors, but for conforming our minds and lives to His, as Klavan the Elder stated a bit later in the essay. Basically, we aren’t the boss of us, nor should we be. I have to be reminded daily that I am not in charge. Usually it is my wife reminding me, or perhaps God is about 5’2” and loves me for reasons I still do not understand. Yeah, except the 5’2” bit, sounds a lot like God. Let’s just say that disobeying either leads to harsh repercussions. Gotta go. My son just called me for morning prayers, something he initiated years ago, and I never cease thanking him for it.

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People think about science differently now than they have in the past.

Newton’s time knew science as a symbol to lay neatly on a stable world.

Einstein’s time knew science as an expert analysis of a bizarre cosmos.

Now we see an internet of devices, AI, and quantum mechanics.

The more we discover weak points in the certainty of science, the more we feel comfortable with the directional truth of religion.

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How can these inspiring conversations be shared more widely-surely has been a hopeful message to see-thinking about what is true, beautiful and good -thank you

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Oct 14·edited Oct 14

I will mention yet again, if you are intent on selling your books, then can you please provide Kindle versions for those of us not privileged enough to have room to dedicate to storing books? Yes, I said privileged. No, I won't take it back.

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Try this. Look up our books on Amazon. Then press the big button marked "Kindle." You will be amazed by what you find.

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Not all your listeners are American

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I don’t trust e-books, as our corporate betters may cause them to be “disappeared” or edited, as they have in the past. Buy the book, enjoy it, then pass it around. Or better yet, find a lefty friend and pretend it is a surplus zucchini from your overabundant garden, and leave it anonymously on their porch.

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