Similarly, our secular world teaches us to think that G(g)od is just our idea. (Hence Religion departments in universities are full of atheists.) But the Bible indicates the opposite: we are His idea! "Oh how precious to me are Your thoughts, O God, how vast is the sum of them!" So says the psalmist in a deep meditation on the mystery of the body and its meaning... We can't worship nothing because that's how God made us, and if we don't worship God, we will worship whatever is expedient. Thanks for these conversations. It's very edifying to listen in! I thank God for both of you.
Hey Spencer! Welcome back! Travel out of ones comfortable home always adds deeper perspective of the bigger world.
I like what you wrote, but question one comment:
“once, spirit and flesh were in perfect alignment. But the curse of Adam has set the two against one another.“
I don’t think sin, separated the body from the spirit and set them against each other, it separated both of them from God. Sometimes they are in alignment with each other, but not an alignment with God. Sometimes they are out of alignment with each other (when you want to quit drugs but your physical addiction takes over). And when we submit our spirit and body to God, they can both be in alignment with him, at least for a little while, with God.
Let's be honest, that Abbott and Costello skit is far better than almost any comedy people listen to today. I was happy when I saw the elder Mr. Klavan discovered Brian Regan though. That guy is hilarious!
Similarly, our secular world teaches us to think that G(g)od is just our idea. (Hence Religion departments in universities are full of atheists.) But the Bible indicates the opposite: we are His idea! "Oh how precious to me are Your thoughts, O God, how vast is the sum of them!" So says the psalmist in a deep meditation on the mystery of the body and its meaning... We can't worship nothing because that's how God made us, and if we don't worship God, we will worship whatever is expedient. Thanks for these conversations. It's very edifying to listen in! I thank God for both of you.
"Similarly, our secular world teaches us to think that G(g)od is just our idea. (Hence Religion departments in universities are full of atheists.)"
This is a good explanation of why I find Materialists/Atheists/Whatever thoughts/ideas while a mile wide only an inch deep.
May I steal that? “A mile wide and only an inch deep” so true.
$20.00. I may be cheap but I'm not easy. :-)
😆 so funny. My husband says that a lot about himself.
Hey Spencer! Welcome back! Travel out of ones comfortable home always adds deeper perspective of the bigger world.
I like what you wrote, but question one comment:
“once, spirit and flesh were in perfect alignment. But the curse of Adam has set the two against one another.“
I don’t think sin, separated the body from the spirit and set them against each other, it separated both of them from God. Sometimes they are in alignment with each other, but not an alignment with God. Sometimes they are out of alignment with each other (when you want to quit drugs but your physical addiction takes over). And when we submit our spirit and body to God, they can both be in alignment with him, at least for a little while, with God.
Let's be honest, that Abbott and Costello skit is far better than almost any comedy people listen to today. I was happy when I saw the elder Mr. Klavan discovered Brian Regan though. That guy is hilarious!
“Do androids dream of Electric Sheep?
What is the difference between ignorance and apathy, you might ask?
I don’t know and I don’t care.
“I don’t even know what I’m talkin’ about.”
This pretty well sums up the current state of affairs
“I don’t know!”
“Third base !”
Brilliant piece.
It even tops the bit about the horse’s fodder being a murder!
I hate auto correct. *mudder*, not murder.
Freudian slip?
When you say one thing but really mean your mudder?
Mr. Klavan, Good point🙏🏻
Your very last thought begins "there, I think," I swear I read it as "I think, therefore"
No pun intended! It must be the philosophy has gotten above my pay grade and my brain is just grasping...
Sorry I hit “post” before proofreading that last entry. Talk to text is not my friend!