I’m no sort of intellectual. I find some of these posts difficult to understand, but I keep trying and I enjoy the kindness of the comments.
But I know what God wants of me and that has brought me peace. I know that praying the rosary in a small church in Germany, on the banks of the Danube, brought me closer to the Holy Spirit than I had ever been before. And I know that I felt the Holy Spirit two times since then when a priest at my former parish was changing the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ.
God loves us, this I know. I just need to remember it when another driver on the road pulls in front of me, without a turn indicator, and then slows down.
Suspect we haven't "lost" anything, just put it aside for a new, exciting "thing"--the material-only view. I'm watching my onion seedlings: seeds put on damp paper towel, in a warm, dark cabinet last Wednesday, showing radicle on Friday. Put into soil on Saturday. Popping out of soil on Sunday. Showing green on Monday. What's not to wonder about in this tiny evidence of the miracle of life?
Yes, don't do drugs...even legal ones in many instances. I have too many friends and their kids on anti-depressants and such for things that are really more spiritual issues. I'm not anti-meds, but I do think they are overprescribed for symptoms they may be able to mask but not address.
Recently I have turned the other way, thinking way more about science.
For the past four years, I ran the Light Of The Mind project and peered at the divine implications of quantum superposition and Heisenberg uncertainty.
But now I am more interested in the other half of physics, the certainty of Einstein and the interconnectedness of general relativity.
And I’ll say, in place of feeling like individual moments are miraculous, I’m now frequently awestruck at the glimpses I have at intelligent design as a whole.
And interestingly, I don’t feel like I’ve lost free will as I did when I studied psychology.
All the science I’m studying seems to be in front of me and not inside of me, and that has been very nice.
Yes unfortunately I don’t know any physics books that are beautiful like Spencer’s (The Disappearing Spoon is nice), but I can attest that Spencer’s is an excellent account of the history of physics.
One YouTube channel that gave me a deeper appreciation of music is Piano Secrets.
My favorite composers are Chopin, Mozart, and Bach, and the YouTube guy shows how their brilliant melodies are actually very simple and logical moves along the scale.
Ode To Joy has to be the most obvious melody of all time. It's hard to believe no one came up with it before. A bit like the Star Wars theme. The most recognisable 5th interval ever.
“Each part of a composition should share the same objective. It should belong to the whole. Otherwise, the beauty of the work is lost. For all beauty arises from the union of multiple parts.”
❤️🙏 This made me think of the scriptures and how they are stories of
Very "human" beings often entrusted with holy things and god allowing For their folly and the slow process of growth and becoming. Great loss to ultimate gain. This is the
I’ve been listening to Rod Dreher’s “Living in Wonder” as I hike through woods in our lovely Ohio River town and your comments echo the sentiments of the book.
I love what you and Spencer are doing -emphasis on the good, the true and the beautiful is what we all need in this maddeningly fast paced world.
Isn’t wonder a big part of this? I’ve always tended to be fascinated by science. But it lost its glow many years ago after it became clear to me that so much of science was reductionism in a bright shiny new package. When I look at things with wonder, whether a bird in flight, or the craziness of quarks, or (as Spencer noted) the oceans and all their wild crazy living aliens, I can’t help but see God in all his abundant and playful ways.
Frank Sinatra ballad "Fairy tales can come true. They can happen to you, when you're young at heart." Matthew 18:4 Whoever then humbles himself as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
I’m no sort of intellectual. I find some of these posts difficult to understand, but I keep trying and I enjoy the kindness of the comments.
But I know what God wants of me and that has brought me peace. I know that praying the rosary in a small church in Germany, on the banks of the Danube, brought me closer to the Holy Spirit than I had ever been before. And I know that I felt the Holy Spirit two times since then when a priest at my former parish was changing the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ.
God loves us, this I know. I just need to remember it when another driver on the road pulls in front of me, without a turn indicator, and then slows down.
Andrew, glad you are ok. I was concerned since you didn't have a show last Friday. I hope you and your beautiful family are fine. 🥰
Thank you. I'm feeling much better. It was a gnarly couple of days though.
I too, was worried you took another trip down the stairs. Glad it seems to not be the case.
Suspect we haven't "lost" anything, just put it aside for a new, exciting "thing"--the material-only view. I'm watching my onion seedlings: seeds put on damp paper towel, in a warm, dark cabinet last Wednesday, showing radicle on Friday. Put into soil on Saturday. Popping out of soil on Sunday. Showing green on Monday. What's not to wonder about in this tiny evidence of the miracle of life?
Yes, don't do drugs...even legal ones in many instances. I have too many friends and their kids on anti-depressants and such for things that are really more spiritual issues. I'm not anti-meds, but I do think they are overprescribed for symptoms they may be able to mask but not address.
Recently I have turned the other way, thinking way more about science.
For the past four years, I ran the Light Of The Mind project and peered at the divine implications of quantum superposition and Heisenberg uncertainty.
But now I am more interested in the other half of physics, the certainty of Einstein and the interconnectedness of general relativity.
And I’ll say, in place of feeling like individual moments are miraculous, I’m now frequently awestruck at the glimpses I have at intelligent design as a whole.
And interestingly, I don’t feel like I’ve lost free will as I did when I studied psychology.
All the science I’m studying seems to be in front of me and not inside of me, and that has been very nice.
Thank you for your insight. I wish I had the knowledge to understand how God is in the details this way. Same with music... For now
I'll have to read spencer's book I guess :)
Yes unfortunately I don’t know any physics books that are beautiful like Spencer’s (The Disappearing Spoon is nice), but I can attest that Spencer’s is an excellent account of the history of physics.
One YouTube channel that gave me a deeper appreciation of music is Piano Secrets.
My favorite composers are Chopin, Mozart, and Bach, and the YouTube guy shows how their brilliant melodies are actually very simple and logical moves along the scale.
Ode To Joy has to be the most obvious melody of all time. It's hard to believe no one came up with it before. A bit like the Star Wars theme. The most recognisable 5th interval ever.
“Each part of a composition should share the same objective. It should belong to the whole. Otherwise, the beauty of the work is lost. For all beauty arises from the union of multiple parts.”
- Józef Elsner (1769 - 1854)
I write rock music. As long as it makes people nod along, I’m happy.
God does not approve of psychedelic drugs. He is against sorcery, which is using bad Pharmaceuticals
❤️🙏 This made me think of the scriptures and how they are stories of
Very "human" beings often entrusted with holy things and god allowing For their folly and the slow process of growth and becoming. Great loss to ultimate gain. This is the
Mystery of the ancients.
"...we have what we need to see what we need." Love it.
I’ve been listening to Rod Dreher’s “Living in Wonder” as I hike through woods in our lovely Ohio River town and your comments echo the sentiments of the book.
I love what you and Spencer are doing -emphasis on the good, the true and the beautiful is what we all need in this maddeningly fast paced world.
We are enbodied souls, manifested spirits. Perhaps we need a enchanted reason, an enlightened magic, which includes both quantum physics and angels.
Isn’t wonder a big part of this? I’ve always tended to be fascinated by science. But it lost its glow many years ago after it became clear to me that so much of science was reductionism in a bright shiny new package. When I look at things with wonder, whether a bird in flight, or the craziness of quarks, or (as Spencer noted) the oceans and all their wild crazy living aliens, I can’t help but see God in all his abundant and playful ways.
In short more contemplative prayer.
Frank Sinatra ballad "Fairy tales can come true. They can happen to you, when you're young at heart." Matthew 18:4 Whoever then humbles himself as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
Haven’t ape men been getting high consuming fermented fruits since fruit was created by God ?
Could you imagine if that Guy then turned “Oh but not that tree chetah” you wouldn’t that little bugger back in the garden again if it did
So, as Paul Rudd said in Ghostbusters Afterlife, science really is a safety pin through the nipple of academia...Or something like that.