Nailed it! When I see friends in failed relationships, and listen to them, they often say that their ex was not what they wanted. I wasn’t either to my wife when we first met, but we both realized that we must change and grow together throughout our 50+ year relationship. Thank God, I was not TOO pigheaded, and my wife must be a saint. Those who look for the perfect mate will never find one, but those who look for one who shares values and is willing to do for the other in the relationship (see love; theological virtue) will be the one. Both must take this route, or the relationship will fail. I’ve seen this failure too many times in friends.

Good on you, Klavans both.

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That is great advice! I recall one of your father's shows where he talked about the idea of a young man actually thinking about what kind of man he wants to be and then working to be that man. Your dad has been blessed with great wisdom and you apparently have been too.

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What a wonderful letter. And a quote from my favorite Psalm. Thank you Spencer.

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It’s a banger. I also like where God says “if I were hungry I would not tell you. Lol. LMAO.”

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Ask not what your date can do for you. Ask, what can I do for my date! *rapturous applause*

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It's good to be reminded from time to time that we all have nothing to give God but a contrite spirit. But...that's exactly what he wants. I'm so glad.

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Just a quick addendum to my post. When I said “Nailed it!” I was referring to the Klavans, not myself, but I have enjoyed a great relationship following these dicta that they have been talking about here. As I said earlier, good on both Klavans.

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This has been a hard lesson to learn, but I think I’m finally getting it. (Way too old for dating tho! LOL) I fought for a long time to get out of poverty. So it was hard to accept that, when push comes to shove, that ancient philosopher Popeye said it best: I am what I am and that’s all that I am.

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