
Thank you for helping me see, maybe helping us all see, the difference between artificial and Real. Believing in one God, one Creator, makes things so much more coherent and Whole.

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I believe that is the first time I’ve seen bizarre moved from adjective to noun. And I had to look it up to find that out. 😂

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Great one. Your creativity shows, old man! Irony, style, joyful smithing of words.

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I heard a Pastor say we have Supernatural Intelligence - if we listen to it.

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I've been thinking less about what our souls long to create and more about what they long to hear and connect to. I agree that storytelling shouldn’t be formulaic for its own sake, but if a structure is imbued with meaning—if it speaks to something deep within us—why not use it to express divine creativity?

You mentioned Jung and Campbell, who saw these recurring patterns as a reflection of the collective unconscious. But Lewis, with the help of friends, came to see them as something more—not just the shape of human nature, but signposts pointing to the True Myth.

That’s the difference. AI can mimic the structure of a story, but it can’t long for meaning. It can’t wonder. And without wonder, a story is just a pattern, not something alive.

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The problem that people are worried about when they talk about AI replacing writers isn't that AI is going to do the job better than real writers, it's that no matter how good real writers are, people are going to prefer the AI slop. It's unfair to say that writers who lose to AI will deserve it, because many of them will be great writers. I think the appetite for great writing may be drying up, though. That's the real problem that AI is going to make exponentially worse.

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Speaking of bizarre creatures. I look forward to asking God what He was thinking when He made the tiny horror that is angler fish.

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A created in the image (not an imoji)

There is no photon , atom or second of time created by a human so therefore no human has created anything from nothing only merely rearrange what was already created . Humans are the beneficiary of a universe that had a beginning . And in that universe humans believe in cause & effect so perhaps the cause should be studied rather than the self which is merely an affect

A wise man, quoting a wiser man once said ,

Matt 7 7:8 NIV .

7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

Which happens to be a large part of the foundation of journalism, science & justice (follow the evidence where it leads) of the western modern world , when the advice is followed

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Why are you always hating on Star Wars? It's brilliant! There are three perfect archtypes for explaining good and bad to my son.

The Emperor: A baddie. Irredeemably bad. Just pure evil. DO NOT go down that path.

Darth Vader: Chooses the wrong path. Is redeemed right at the end but has sacrificed everything along the way in his desperate attempt to gain power and prove himself right.

Luke Skywalker: The hero. Is lead towards are dark path but rejects it at just the right time and saves everyone as a consequence.

I'm sorry but Star Wars is excellent. And whenever my son starts being a bit Darth, he gets a Yoda quote. And if that doesn't work? I take his Lego away.

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I have no problem with Star Wars as a children’s adventure story. I think I’ll leave it at that.

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Clearly we need the great debate. Shapiro v Klavan. Star Wars. Is it any good?

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