I love it - we GET to suffer a bit, which we can actually count as joy (James 1:2). It's not just a symbolic connection to something greater. It's a real piece, but only a fraction, of the pain that helps us identify our need for the suffering we lack the capacity to experience. But in our own small way, it is recognizing better the suffering of Christ, which leads us to greater appreciation for the gift of life offered through him.

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I see the pursuit of happiness as the cause of so much confusion and unhappiness. Whereas the pursuit of God brings joy, and that makes all the difference.

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I had exactly the same experience on a stag do in Benidorm, the worst place on earth. We were standing about in a bar swaying and not saying much (and I was very very drunk or hungover or both, I'd lost the plot by this time) and I said out loud to everyone sarcastically "look how much fun we're all having". And then (as anyone who has been to Benidorm will attest) a live sex show started in the middle of the dance floor with a naked lady who made objects "magically" appear. I didn't stay for Darth Vader and Princess Leia on Segways (honestly, it actually happened). I remember at some point waking up and looking at my analogue watch and it saying 8 o'clock and I honestly had no idea if it was morning or evening. I haven't been drunk since.

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