Could much of the point of God’s not explaining be that even had He, would Job had any clue to understanding? Could it it be also that Job still needed to trust rather than having to have proof? And again, the main takeaway is the relationship between God and Job. God is with Job and is Himself the answer beyond any of the explanations Job had sought.
Could much of the point of God’s not explaining be that even had He, would Job had any clue to understanding? Could it it be also that Job still needed to trust rather than having to have proof? And again, the main takeaway is the relationship between God and Job. God is with Job and is Himself the answer beyond any of the explanations Job had sought.
That's SO unsatisfying to human pride. But is there another solution to life's hardships? As the old hymn says, "For there's no other way/To be happy in Jesus/Than to trust and obey."
(FWIW, my Substack starts on Job on April 3, chapter by chapter. NB: It is NOT commentary on the main story, but notes on its symbolism—the theme song playing in the background, rather than the focal point of the scene. )
Could much of the point of God’s not explaining be that even had He, would Job had any clue to understanding? Could it it be also that Job still needed to trust rather than having to have proof? And again, the main takeaway is the relationship between God and Job. God is with Job and is Himself the answer beyond any of the explanations Job had sought.
Yes, I agree.
That's SO unsatisfying to human pride. But is there another solution to life's hardships? As the old hymn says, "For there's no other way/To be happy in Jesus/Than to trust and obey."
(FWIW, my Substack starts on Job on April 3, chapter by chapter. NB: It is NOT commentary on the main story, but notes on its symbolism—the theme song playing in the background, rather than the focal point of the scene. )