I sure enjoy reading y’all’s conversations. It sheds new light for us Christians that are struggling with faith and life in general. I greatly appreciate the words of wisdom y’all both share. It is good for the soul! Thankbyall again!

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I recently ran across a comment that our souls are on loan from God. I think that is far short of the mark but I wonder whether God grants us our souls and expects us to make them into something worthy of Imago Dei.

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We know so little, but we must act. And we cannot act on the basis of what we don't know, but only what we do know. Or think we know.

So we act carefully, tentatively. Allowing as much freedom as possible, and imposing only as much order as necessary.

That's teachability, a form of humility.

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I have not been aware of Anthony Trollope's work before! Looking forward to picking up a book of his in the near future.

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He is wonderful. I recommend either Phineas Finn or The Warden to get you started. Enjoy!

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While we are on the topic of A Christmas Carol, and a complete side note, I'd like to mention I enjoyed your daughter's book "Christmas Karol" (by Faith Moore...any relation?:) And now I think I'm having "a cookie emergency:)

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Also bought her book and enjoyed very much. Looking forward to her next book!🙏🏻

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Agreed! I really enjoyed the book as well…couldn’t put it down once I got into it!

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Beautful! This must be what you meant in your book The Great Good Thing, when you were present at the birth of your first child.

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Is the “mind” that is in nature (e.g. the eukaryotic cell “knows” what’s going on outside its walls—i.e. it reacts to external stimuli—and inside its walls—i.e. its organelles maintain a homeostatic balance—and, knowing this, finds ways to survive) and that the neo-Darwinians, materialists and atheists can’t define the same thing as the spirit?

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Great read - thank you.

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Connection is essential for love and trust.

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As a pharmacist, I received a Christmas gift with the inscription, “Doctor of Pharmacy; I prevent medical doctors from killing you.”

Speaking of doctors with unfortunate resumes, it it appropriate to suggest that we were graced with the lines of Fr. Fauci because “past is prologue”?

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Beautiful, and so right!

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Generic attempt at sounding intelligent

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