That these conversations have been happening during Lent - and now Holy Week - has been a real blessing. The struggle is real. The struggle with our own sinful nature and the struggle against this upside down culture that wants to chew us up and spit us out can be very wearing. Your letters are helping to bring so much into focus….and with plenty of good belly laughs to boot! Thank you.

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I have always rejected the ridiculous idea that rape is ALL about power, and nothing but. It seems obvious that rape is about using power to get what you want. Using power feels great; it provides its own reward in that sense and so each offender will have their own mixed motivations in any given instance of sexual assault. But mainly, the attack is about getting a sexual thrill.

As a criminal prosecutor I began to question the power-only explanation when confronted with real-life cases where the defendant just wanted sex and didn’t use power to get it unless there was resistance. I am not minimizing this heinous assault by saying so.

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Praying for all the Klavans of no relation. I appreciate your willingness to be in the ring. Thank you for your honest engagement with a frenzied and fickle people.

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‘But because this happens to be nonsense, true meaning pursues us as fast as we run from it.’

There is no gatekeeper to the title "expert". It is used very liberally and specifically with today's media, it's a tool to validate the person you selected as your expert witness to parrot your talking points. It's more like the idiot's guide to peer validation. Honestly, it's not even necessary anymore. Our society has completely lost its critical analysis capabilities. Some pretty rando on Tik Tok / YouTube can do a video about how avoiding carbs is not the way to lose weight and people will listen. Lots of people. I don’t think it’s us running from meaning. I believe it’s more about how popular it’s become with some attempting to commandeer meaning and recreate it. There are large groups of people who refuse to go along as hard as other groups of people try to push this strategy down their throat.

‘I’m always amused when some “expert” says something like, “People who overeat aren’t looking for food, they’re looking for love,”’

There's no shortage of wannabee vanguards. It's intrinsic to publication. They will say the damnedest things like rape is about power. The only power aspect of rape is overpowering your victim so you can take from them what you want because you're messed up. People want to be noticed and accumulate intellectual notoriety. This is why there are so many LGBTQ Tik Tokers trying to learn you some modern sexuality garbage. Social media has greased the wheel to self-publication. It's made spouting absolute pseudo intellectual bull shit on social media successful. They should be ignored. If it's a book, or publication, maybe just a handful of rational people read it and then down vote it.

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