The morning routine I have of reading the Bible, talking to God, then reading Klavan-Klavan is now the only way to begin the day

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So! I'm not the only one with that routine...

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Sometimes I think of my great-grandfather, born amid the last height of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire. He fought for it, was imprisoned by Russians for nearly a decade, came back to a vastly transformed society (and to meet his son - my grandfather- born while he was gone), lived quietly until WWII when his only son had to take his only grandson (my father) and hightail it out of Hungary because of those darn advancing Russians because FDR let Stalin have the Eastern bloc. My great-grandfather then died under communism. And, yet I perceive strongly that he persevered in his faith and that gives me great hope. Faith is the thread that remains and has sustained my family through all the crazy. While I'm not so close to eternity yet that this life becomes as background noise when I think of it, I do pray I do my part well enough that that thread continues with my children and helps guide us all safely there!

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Very eloquently expressed. Thank you.

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“…the more I direct my mind toward heaven, the more the noise of history fades into the background until I sometimes feel like the sleeping centuries of Brigadoon, hearing the clashes of armies as if in a dream.”

This describes my feeling precisely. It’s good to hear it expressed in such beautiful language.

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'And he said to them, “Therefore every scribe who has been trained for the kingdom of heaven is like a master of a house, who brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old.”' Matthew 13:52

(I really like the New Testament. It reminds me of the Old Testament. But new.)

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Wow I just started reading this Substack last week and I feel that every single entry I read is a huge blessing in my life. The Klavans really know how to elucidate the Scriptures. I’m hoping I can do it as fluently and deeply as them one day.

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The new left, which seem to include everyone from Biden and Obama to AOC and the far-left, are revolutionaries. And as revolutionaries are wont to be, they want what they want and they want it now. We’ve seen this radical change over the last 15 years. The long march captured all the institutions and then, I suppose, they decided, now was the time to go for it all.

I don’t see that in the inflexible right, or hidebound, as Mr. Klavan calls them. They may be set in their ways, and they too want what they want, but there is not nearly enough of them to swing everything back to where it was. But then, nothing ever returns to where it was. After Cromwell and his (as both Catholic and Irish, may I add “so-called”) “Glorious Revolution” was tamped out, not even Charles II dared return to what his father tried.

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I think Trump is gonna win by a landslide, and if conservatives aren’t careful, and if they let their hearts be hardened by embitterment, then we may become the monsters the Left claims us to be. There’s a big push now, backed I believe from really insidious people, to push neo nazi ideologies onto the minds of young men today. The whole sarcastic and flippant usage of “Jesus is King” is a prime example. We need to remember to love our neighbors as we love ourselves.

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It’s perhaps the most difficult of statutes, to pray for the very people you’d rather see thrown into the pits of hell, but we must, if we ever want to make it past the “Let the Shenanigans Begin” welcome mat.

You’re quite right that we can become what we loathe. But it’s not just because we stare into the abyss too long, or it states into us, but because we have been abused by by the left so openly and defiantly that they have made the two-tier system of justice plain for everyone to see. Many have use the example of it being as if we fight by the Marquis of Queensbury Rules, while the left is fight an MMA match. If we don’t play by their rules, we don’t have a chance; if they use extrajudicial procedures to eliminate their opponents, and then destroy the evidence, then we may have to go outside the law to FIND that evidence. How we do that, and not become them, I don’t know, but right now, there is a lot of low-ha gung fruit. Think: the Biden family and allies, including Joe. They must be made to give up the ill-gotten gains, including mansions, regardless of mental fitness.

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Faith in Christ must lead; we must follow Christ in the way of the cross. Too many on the right are Christian only in the vaguest sense.

The left benefits, nevertheless, from such remnants of that heritage as there are. They don't like "Christian Nationalists"? Wait till they meet Nationalists with no claim to Christ at all.

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I don’t do it every day but I am trying to pray for Joe’s soul. I realize he allowed demons in decades ago but I have to believe it’s never too late, until it is.

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"It’s perhaps the most difficult of statutes, to pray for the very people you’d rather see thrown into the pits of hell, but we must, if we ever want to make it past the “Let the Shenanigans Begin” welcome mat"

YES by all means Pay for them. That they Wake Up from their fever dream (ie the millennial kingdom without The King). Those that don't will throw themselves into The Pit. Joyfully they'll go. I've read stores that while people were being stood up against the wall they were arguing that if only Stalin knew he would put a stop to this.

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Bear in mind, the soviets/commies started infiltrating our educational system, by some estimates as early as the 1920’s. Once their grip there was solidified, well the rest is as they say, history.

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Indeed, that was the Long March. The left doesn’t mind waiting, typically, as long as it’s always advancing, but recently, they seem to have become frustrated. Or maybe they simply saw an opening to grab it all at once. Whatever the reason, I’m praying their overreach will wake up Americans to the evil among us.

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Usually I wholeheartedly agree with what you write, today not so much. I do think God guided his chosen people on their long journey through the many years before the birth of our Savior. So no, the sacrifices were not in vain, they were just part of a very gradual learning curve. However, since Christ is the Truth, I don't think there can be a new age until His return. Perhaps by your allusion to eternity and how it gives perspective to the transitory nature of our existence on earth you meant to imply the new age was the Kingdom of God. I think today, more than ever before we have to be wary of supposed new truths and cling to the Eternal Truth with all our might. Maybe I'm just a hidebound conservative though.

"Put yourselves on the ways of long ago and enquire about the ancient paths: which was the good way? Take it then, and you shall find rest. - Jeremiah 6:16

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Hi, yeah, I think you took me too spiritually here. I didn't mean a new age like THAT new age. More like: the new age that came after the printing press, or after the rediscovery of Plato in Europe. There's simply no question that since the internet, things are different. And the transhuman age is coming - which is what we're talking about.

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That’s what he said … Did all those sacrificed animals die in vain? Were the old priests wasting their time? Or were the hearts of men being trained in a reality higher than the moment in which they lived?

I believe it was that last.

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Yes I was agreeing with him about that part.

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Oh gotcha!

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Hmmm. It’s a new age when God says so. I will wait, I think, before rushing into anything.

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A general sentiment I have received from older Christian men is, speaking to us young guns, “you need to think more eternally, and not sweat those small things like raising families, having a career, building civilization” They have done all, and done it well enough, but it comes across as someone from the other side of the canyon, “hey I got mine and struggled, so now you on the other side, don’t worry about it” I don’t think you (Andrew) are doing it here however, can’t quite put my finger on it. What is different?

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