You continue to amaze me with your spot-on analyses of earthly stuff as seen through a spiritual lense. Great insight on the edicts from the Pope and The Donald. I agree, Brother Andrew. Bless you.

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Such excellent commentary on life and our times! Just yesterday I realized my life is no longer Klavan-less during the week as it once was.

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Haha! Well, it is The New Jerusalem after all.

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Jordan Peterson notes that the thin line between the black of chaos and the white of order of the yin-yang symbol id the path we traverse. We are always close to going on either side of that line.

We are faced with many challenges in the current dilemma. Can we be orderly and pragmatic without ending up all Molochy or do we adhere to our best angel and risk Earthly chaos? We know the righteous path but will that only give us the exact opposite of our intent? Unintended consequences are a bitch and as Buckley contended, we need to defer to the most conservative end that can win. In the face of our current dysfunction, Trump is being the pragmatist regardless of how distasteful the moment may be. This is not a battle, it is a war and we need to prepare ourselves for a long campaign.

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Trump’s stance on abortion is probably the most cunning Catch-22 dilemma that Satan has ever devised. It might be true that republicans will continue to lose politically if we don’t drop the whole abortion thing, but truly do our votes actually matter? My not prophetic prediction is that Trump will win regardless, but if Christians cower now on the abortion issue then we will lose something much worse than the election.

But, yes, I could see the pendulum swinging so far in the opposite direction a couple years from now, and perhaps more abortions will ultimately result, yet we can’t forget that in Sodom and Gomorrah if there were even 10 righteous people in the whole metropolis then God would have spared them. I think everyone is highly underestimating how quickly our country could fall.

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I just thought of an analogy regarding the Trump abortion stance: Satan has pocket Aces, which is the best hand in poker, and he’s arrogantly showing us his hand, which you’re not supposed to do if you have pocket Aces, but he’s doing this because he wants us to fold. And while Christian conservatives are holding an off suit 2/7, which is the worst poker hand, we can’t simply fold. We must go ALL IN, even if it means losing everything. We must have faith now that somehow God will give us as least 2 pairs, or better, so we can beat Satan at this game. Here’s the thing, guys, Satan wouldn’t be showing us his hand and asking us to fold if he knew he was gonna win. Our faith is foolishness to this world. God bless, everyone. Be wise.

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Unconditional surrender comes with many compromises

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Thank you. You continue to teach me how to live divinely in a material and time bound reality. What a Joy is the Reconciliation offered by Covenant.

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