Apr 11Liked by Spencer Klavan

Do you think those guys holding the flags in that show get to go to the bathroom on a regular 2 hour interval, or drink enough water?

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LOL. I think they’re probably afraid to ask.

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Haha, that’s communism for ya!!

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Uncompromising line? hmmm.... Maybe not "built to do", but here to figure out how to do it? One of the things you both keep teaching me is that we are meant to live in this world and take it how it is and learn to navigate divine purpose (telos) through divine word(logos), but I feel confused about drawing the line, especially when it comes to my kids (7). If I get too high and mighty, and won't watch reality shows and join in with them, at least to some degree in the "culture" I lose them. How do you navigate? How do you draw this line? How do I help them navigate this complex time? These are the questions I ask everyday. And I thank you both for helping me find my way.

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As you said, in many ways, that's what we're here to figure out. What is harmless fluff that can be reasonably tolerated and what is actually arsenic in the cotton-candy? We will both die someday and cannot protect our children forever; all we can do is try to raise "dragon-slayers" (age appropriately of course) in an age of "dragons." When there's a snake in the yard, we shouldn't just keep the kids inside; We should show them "This is a snake. It can be dangerous. This is what you do when you find a snake." and as they age and gain understanding "This is an ok snake, if you're very careful you can pet or pick it up. This is a bad snake, stay vary far away from it." I think time and experience help, but more than that I think your kids knowing you love them will make the biggest difference - and they really need to KNOW it. I've seen families in which there was a kind of love, but it didn't reach the kid's hearts through the overly rigid authoritarianism; each kid basically went off the deep end in their own way and have little to no contact with their Mom who raised them; It's very sad to see. I guess the closest we can get is to seek the kingdom of heaven and not make idols out of formula's. For example: Marriage and family is a wonderful thing, but maybe one of your children is in the minority and that's not what they're are called to. Or one of your children in adulthood may very much want all those things but because the "formula" of "conservative living" has become an idol, he/she makes bad decisions - rushes to get married or settles for an incompatible life partner instead of waiting and using wisdom. Just some rambling thoughts I've had lately; hope it wasn't too boring

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Just when I think I might at least be heading in the right direction…. Thanks for the not so gentle reminder that the road is longer and harder than I imagine. And definitely deeper.

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I started going to my Christian church in 2016. I realized that I never really "heard" the words of the Bible. I listened to the noise of the world and it was a heavy burden. I thought I trusted God, but I was not ready to surrender. My burden was worry - especially about money. And then I heard the Pastor say we come into the world with nothing and will leave with nothing. Trust in God and he will give you everything you need. Give unto Caesar... God has so much more for me. That has given me peace. Quiet the noise of the world and listen to the Holy Spirit.

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How are you liking Three Body Problem? I agree with your Dad that unfortunately it's another example of a show with emasculated male characters... But I like the story enough that I kept watching it and enjoyed where it was going. At least the two law enforcement guys act like real men, so it's not a total write off even if the female characters criticize them for doing what needs to be done.

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“If I have freedom in my Love, / And in my soul am free, / Angels alone that soar above, / Enjoy such Liberty.” — Richard Lovelace

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Hmmmm. This is the first one I didn't really get.

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