Spencer, I love your letters and look for them first every day. This letter was particularly good, and I do believe the tide is turning. As an example of that, you might also mention the remarkably popular film series "The Chosen" with Jonathan Rhoumie. It is the story of Jesus and the people who followed him, but is done in such a fresh, authentic way with humor and realistic treatments of the disciples who were often all too human and slow to understand. And its Jesus actually looks Jewish! The series is free on streaming and now on its 4th season. It has a huge following and is now being translated into 600+ languages.

(P.S. your Dad goes to my church.)

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Onward Christian soldiers…

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The problem is not that there aren't enough people becoming Christians. The problem is that there aren't enough non-woke churches for them to go to. I have no idea if my church is woke because everything is in German.

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I agree, there are some encouraging trends. Even the NYT positively profiled hip young New Yorkers embracing traditional Catholicism. It was once cool and nonconformist to get a tattoo. Now they are so prevalent, particularly among the young, that it is nonconformist to be without one. For some decades now, it has been cool and nonconformist to reject religion. Now the rejection of religion is so commonplace, that young people seeking something new and different are turning to it. Others, I suspect, are turning to it because they see how everything else fails.

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Brilliant insights. Gives me hope. I am ready for the battle- Putting on the whole armour of God.

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I was just listening to the Alisa Childers podcast. She was saying many young people are saying they are "spiritual", but not religious. They are finding being an atheist is not all it's cracked up to be (much like being a vegan) They are moving in the right direction...

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Evil is definitely in full court press mode, that's for sure.

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Hope truly does spring eternal. As long as the candle of hope yet burns, it can relight a thousand candles. Candles of love, peace, truth, and joy.

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I do not have a vantage point from which to say how that battle goes. As a younger man, I was convinced of the inevitability of victory in our time. Much of that was a mirage, I now think. But pockets of the world have been transformed under the banner of the crucified God.

And I have read the end of the story. We win. Or rather, God wins, and we get to participate. The gates of hell will not withstand the siege of Love.

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That great hymn has been banished from the PCUSA hymnbook…….. too violent. Said denomination has rolled over and spread its legs. Not my denomination anymore.

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Spencer, I read and reread the next to last sentence of your essay several times. Because it feels alive. I can ‘see’ it! See it and feel it. It thunders with radiance. Thank you. “The world we cannot see is more real than the one we can.” Katherine

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Your writing is enthralling, Spencer. Dare I say it? Possibly even better than your dad's. Loving The New Jerusalem!

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Huzzah! Huzzah! Grab the torches and to the castle go…we’ve got them cornered!

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