Mark 12:30-31 ... And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.

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Reading Drew’s thought regarding the spiritually dead children chanting mindless slogans I instantly saw an image of occupied quads as cemeteries and tents as tombstones. Seemed a fitting metaphor for the sad state of learning in America 2024.

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I still can’t quite believe the pair of you play computer games. 🤓

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This came at a time when I needed reminding of the big picture. Thank you!

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Wow...I so needed to be reminded, in light of the evil spilling forth these days, that "in this world you will have trouble, but take heart I (Christ) have overcome the world." Yes, He has. Thanks, brother, for the reminder.

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Beautifully written Drew! Isn't Trump in Gears of War? A Bizerker I believe.

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This piece reminds me of the end of A Good Man Is Hard to Find. Where the Misfit recoils at the grandmother's final reach for him, like a snake, and shoots her, clinching both of their souls in their final resting place

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Has anyone thought to ask the therapist who it actually “is” that observing the self . It certainly seems there’s something else in this mysterious box called the soul , and I don’t think it’s Schrödinger’s cat

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