Spencer's description of the different ways that psychoanalysis can work reminds me of the simpler version advanced by the 12-Step program: are you living in the problem or in the solution?

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Modern culture has so successfully exhumed its own roots that we now LITERALLY don’t know what we’re saying. Myself, sadly, included. Psȳchḗ-therepia 🤦🏻‍♂️

Thanks, Spence. And great stack.

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Staggering insights.

Therapy can be useful (I got my masters in psychology), but it too has been hijacked by the woke. And I prefer therapy that is tethered to God.

But. Here is something many people do not know: it is not the type of therapy (ultimately) that matters, it is the client-therapist RELATIONSHIP that matters. If the client feels understood and safe the healing will come.

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What, no ugly therapist?

I understand concept creep, but they could just as well have used an existing term DOD uses: Mission Creep. It’s the exact same thing. The missions are different, but the creep is the same. Come to think of it, they might even have some of the same creeps, but that’s another story.

You have a job to do and someone, somewhere keeps adding to that job. Instead of just patrolling the Red Sea for pirates, you’re now patrolling for pirates AND sending SEALs ashore to train a desert sheik’s extended family.

In the mental case, their job is to analyze limited issues, but they keep finding more “issues” from which to tell us we are mental cases. Only, they don’t have a POTUS or SECDEF piling onto the mission. They do it themselves.

I’ve never liked Freud. As Bishop Venerable Fulton Sheen put it, he turned Eros from a pure love into the “erotic.” It seems to me he was a warped man, who projected his mother-issues onto every male patient he ever had. And I don’t need a second opinion on that issue.

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I agree. Freud was a mess in a lot of ways.

But. One of my favourite quotes is

Freud was not wrong about everything. 😁

Two things he broke ground on: understanding the unconscious, and the importance of childhood on development.

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Lol, I love that quote. 😂

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You had me finally with “acid bath.” A generation was introduced to psychedelics, which opened the brain to a new level of consciousness. In my observation, depending whether or not the person had a foundation of seeking God (higher power, intelligent designer, etc), the psychedelic experience drove Boomers toward light or darkness. (Yes, duality.) As with all substance use, there are those people who don’t look past the effect and get stuck there. Others will leave the vehicle and look for the larger lesson. Today it appears to me that a large faction of investigators use language that melds the body, psyche and spirit. I read about psychologists who refer to “demons,” and not purely figuratively. This gives me hope we may be gaining a larger and more compressive view of “reality.”

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