“ I reflected that God had often dealt with me the same way. He had not condemned me, but simply listened until I understood I could not reconcile my actions with his love.”

This statement is so true! Thank you Mr. Klavan.

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These two essays between you and Spencer have spoken to me at deep levels--and they coincide with my slow understanding that we cannot reconcile ourselves to God--He has already reconciled Himself to us. Ours is now to spread that Gospel and, as St. Francis insisted, if necessary (which you two pull off almost effortlessly...) use words. Thanks so very much.

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Gorgeous reply. Thanks.

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Dear Mr. Andrew, I love your words, this piece. Thank you. ‘Being Right’ was my very nature, even as a Believer. The devil of self righteousness. And then I heard a beloved, amazing, and gifted pastor tell a story about a plaque hanging on the wall of a recovery center in England. “Do you want to be right or well?” I sat in the pew, time suspended, his words echoing through me. Truth. No condemnation, just the gift of deeply necessary insight from “Wonderful Counselor”. Blessings, Katherine

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This arrived on a day when I am grappling with living this out. Thank you for helping me put new words to it.

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Forgiveness is a challenge and necessary. The real work happens in restitution, the daily walk in the battle against principalities, and carrying the Armor of God (Eph. 6:10-18).

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Matthew 6:15

But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

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What a beautiful personal story. You have a wonderful heart.

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When you see people live this out - pure love, no judgement, it takes your breath away. It humbles you. I have a good friend, who is also a pastor, who traveled the country giving backpacks of necessities to homeless people. He now works for an organization that helps people with mental challenges get jobs. He loves on them all. My husband and I donate to his efforts, but the selflessness is such a reflection of Jesus' love. I want to be a better person because of him.

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In addition to all the other goodies, what I find when I focus on non-judgment and forgiveness is such PEACE! There's a burden lifted; a space cleared when remembering, "Oh yeah, I don't have to worry about any of this---God will sort it out. In fact, He's the only one who possibly can. I can just attend to my own faults and ask for forgiveness for myself and also for that other guy, the rat-bastard who wronged me. Who may not even be a rat-bastard and maybe God quirks an eyebrow at me when I imagine myself to be above that other guy anyway.

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Another wonderful letter, Señor Klavan. So much food for thought.

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