
Thank you so very much for this. It is a faithful and much needed reminder of what exactly are the permanent things and why we should always take a deep breath, in the light of Jesus' overcoming of the world. Let us pray for one another and our poor broken world.

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Lovely. “Let us pray for one another and our broken world.” Given the world, I am currently a walking prayer. But I think that is what God wants.

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What's leftover after even the churches have been ground down to dust, or, more likely, blown up in atomic monstrosity? People and Faith.

There's a really interesting post-apocalyptic book called A Canticle for Leibowitz about just this question and with just that answer. It's striking in its visualization and in that the faith isn't what it is now, as even books have past away in the conflagration and it takes place something like five hundred years after complete societal atomic collapse.

I haven't read it since high school so maybe it's not as good as I remember, it's just one of those things that sticks with you, or it did with me. The letter today reminded me of it.

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Spencer, Your essay warms my heart, and my soul feels sturdier. I was visiting my parents during the Columbine massacre. I will never forget my father’s words: “They took God out of schools; what did they expect”. It was one of the most matter of fact statements he ever made. I needed your words today. Thank you for sending them. Remember Pandora’s Box and the last ‘essence’ to be released into the world? HOPE. Katherine

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Man IS deeply flawed. I (daughter of an Anglican minister) have been naive. I used to think the concept of original sin, and the plethora of psalms and lamentations was “un-positive.” 😊

Boy, was I wrong. Now I gain strength from Joseph, Ruth, Job and Nehemiah, and the whole OT and NT.

Can’t wait to hear more about faith, hope and love this week. These are foundational to Christianity, and sound Pollyanna-ish but living them out is really hard work.

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Does this count as a Klavanless week?

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No, because they are no relation.

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Uh oh. A double negative. Now I’m stumped. 😃

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Thanks, Spencer. I needed this.

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Thank you Spencer! Is there a place where y’all list the art shown? Or can you put title and artist under the art work? Wonderful art, thank you!

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Loved this one. Thank you, Sir!

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Spot on.

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