Spencer, you are doing a wonderful job of writing these daily commentaries while your Dad is galivanting around on vacation. I really look forward to reading your letters every day as they are so full of wisdom and give me hope. Your letter today was so moving and beautiful. It brought tears to my eyes. Most importantly, I know in my heart that it is true because God is the source of all Love and Truth. God's rich blessings to you. Keep up the good work.

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What a beautiful way to start the day. Thank you.

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6

That feeling of love, being loved, sending love, looking around and appreciating the quiet morning - knowing God is with me - feels like waves in the ocean. I am minding my own business and then it crashes over me. I feel this when I see my kids, when my co-workers and I are laughing at an inside joke, when a fellow runner passes me by and gives me a big smile. In those moments, nothing else seems to matter. When my husband was baptised in our Christian church in 2022, I heard his recorded testimony for the first time. He said he was sitting in church and he felt Jesus' love and it cracked him open. Praise God!

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Spencer, everything you and your dad have written here has been outstanding. This is the first of the letters that has actually moved me to tears. Love, being the greatest of all virtues, and so much more, certainly defies description or explanation. If I have to put it into words, I like a simple Christian definition I’ve often heard quoted: Willing the good of another for their own sake.

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“In knowing him, she remembered herself.” Your words shimmer with beauty. To know and to be known feels like the essence of everything. Thank you, Spencer.

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I love the image of you and Faith striving to complete your mission - one of utmost importance - and being rewarded for your efforts with a loving smile directed towards your nephew from Grandma.

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Beautiful. Thank you.

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We all want to love and be loved.

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John Swinton has written and spoken movingly about this loves that endures in those who suffer from dementia. The soul of a child of God never forgets him nor is forgotten by him.

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This brought tears to my eyes.

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Love is post apocalyptic. (Great line) Make’s sense. Because God IS love.

Loved the touching stories, too.

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Did love storm the beaches of Normandy? Omaha, Utah, Sword, Gold, Juno - June 6, 1944. Katherine

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