Which is why, ultimately, being stuck behind our screens is (or can be) evil...Because it removes us from those love generating experiences: time with our family, time spent creating, and those truly lived moments. So in this world of ever increasing screen time and AI solutions, how do we promote those individual creative experiences as a society?

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Ho come on , don’t just leave us all hanging, what happened to the suicide guy did he live or not.

You say creation is the greatest love what about job where you save someone on a phone call created in the image of God ……. and your worried about moving a commas or two around !

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Well, yeah, he lived. I sent the ambulance! He lived through that night anyway. More I don't know.

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And you mean he didn’t get back in touch by way of thank you ! That’s ingratitude for you . As Jesus once said when curing the loper “there’s no pleasing some people” ….. no wait , that’s “the life of Brian”,my mistake .

P.S. are my commas in the right place ?

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I was wondering what happened to the guy too. lol.

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I had a big creative outlet in music but despite making four albums it just wouldn’t fill the void. That required having a child, and God willing, more children. Don’t leave it till your late thirties kids! And don’t get a vasectomy 🤦🏼‍♂️

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Wonderful analogies, Drew. Nailed it. Creation from words can be joyfully life-like and amazing; creation of a living, breathing child, life carried on to the next generation, is beautiful beyond words.

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Wow this was very deep and meaningful. As an artist myself (music), I resonated with it. Thank you.

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