Near the end there, I expected you to say we need old books, because you never know when a Kndle will grind to a halt.

You could do 10 reasons old books are better than technology. #1 would have to be: old books smell a heck of a lot better than a Kindle. 🥰

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As someone in the military, I’m afraid I will always defend the kindle. Try taking six months worth of books away with you.

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I understand. For some of us, those of us from the Stone Age, when the Navy shipped us out, there was no Kindle. 🤷🏼‍♂️ Besides. Books really do smell better.

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Well, I didn’t have one in Iraq in 2006 but I think I had one by 2010 in Afghanistan 🤔 Nothing smells good in Iraq. Not even books.

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Lol! Fair enough. 😂

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How many of the elite-type Millennials or Z’ers have ever even heard of Keats or his magical words about the Grecian urn? When I dictate, the AI comes up with ‘earn’ and not ‘urn,’ which says it all. Me thinks it will take a cataclysm, which of course nobody wants, to get the education of the young to change, to get the teachers and their pupils to pull those real nuggets of gold out of the river of time, to recapture and ponder the ‘urn’ and not turn it into ‘earn.’

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“Perhaps we can reserve a little blame and disdain for their elders, so desperate to stay relevant they refuse to preach what they’ve neglected to practice.”

While it’s becoming increasingly common for people my age and older to look at today’s youngsters and mourn the loss of the family dinner; scratch our heads at this odd androgyny; or mock their sense of entitlement… It’s a fruitless endeavor.

We are the ones who squandered our national inheritance. Greed and lust have toppled another empire, and from what I can tell, it’s mostly the fault of the generations still occupying positions of power in our country. We cannot wash our hands of the decline that we facilitated and permitted.

When my employer shuttered during Covid-Panic, and the gov sent me my “stimulus checks” I apologized to my son for cashing them. I explained that I was robbing him in the future, to feed him today.

I highly suggest giving this a listen: https://www.ted.com/talks/scott_galloway_how_the_us_is_destroying_young_people_s_future

There are some points Galloway makes that I don’t find compelling, but his observations about the economic disadvantage of today’s youth is haunting.

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"so desperate to stay relevant they refuse to preach what they've neglected to practice." I'm looking out across my rural valley with the big hills beyond. Our wet spring greened up the vegetation on my

hot and dry Southern California property. So many varied greens mixed with wheat colored dry grasses. Framed by all this is a significant splash of bright purple. A jacaranda tree. I want to be that tree.

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We need old books! 👏

And we need wise old parents and people.

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Agree 100%.

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