Jul 11Liked by Spencer Klavan

Pre-ordered in June. Can't wait to get it next month!

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In regards to Science and religion, I remember when Chaos theory and fractals became huge in the 80s (or 90s maybe?). Looking at the mathematics and modeling of the natural world, I thought how could anyone see this order and not believe in God?

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On dinosaurs, in the KJV, dragons are mentioned 21 times. The Old Testament was written centuries—millennia—before the word, dinosaur, was developed. So, while Dinos are not specifically mentioned, or their creation, I suspect that is what the “dragons” were.

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Deuteronomy 32:31-32 For their rock is not as our Rock,

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Will you be narrating the audio book again? I currently have a deal on audible for £2.99 a month. I never pay full price to Amazon.

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I request that you do a signing for your followers on Substack. You get a little extra $$ and we get something very special.

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Holy Moly! I ordered this back in February!!! But I’d still buy a signed one. 😃

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If in the temporal world we are happy to convict or not , to the standard of “beyond reasonable doubt” in a court of law.

Why is it humanity struggles , in the face of the evidence, to believe when that evidence is beyond reasonable doubt . Based on science alone (which is the study of someone else’s work ; who’s for some, nobody knows) is also far beyond reasonable doubt .

And while we are on it . If the universe is expanding and it’s also accelerating in that expansion energy needs to be added for the acceleration to continue, so who (or what for those still struggling ) is creating the energy right under our noses as we speak , because your car don’t accelerate without something being added to the engine, does it ! This would contravene some laws of thermodynamics I’m sure if it did ?

But by golly if the universe is doing it in front of our eyes , we seem to be able to whistle on past the deity . Or are we just dumb apes pretending to be Gods worshipping golden moo moos , you know that old schtick again ?

Perhaps if we try & succeed to exist in harmony with the creation we can transcend the cause & effect we exist in at the moment. Don’t ask me how though but I’m pretty sure the road map begins with-

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you”

Matt 7:7

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I noted that there is only a hardcover version on Amazon. Will there be an ebook? I do most of my reading digitally these days.

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I’m looking forward to your new book!

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