Good ending, Spencer! I perfectly agree.

And that reminds me of a parable, one from which so many seem to have not taken heed. Christ told of an injured man, robbed and beaten by highwaymen, and left for dead. A faithful man came by, one who went to temple every week and observed the sabbath, but ignored the man by the side of the road. A rabbi came by, perhaps thinking of or rehearsing his next sermon, too busy of mind to help someone in need. But someone scorned by the House of Judah, not allowed to worship at the temple, came along and helped the man to an inn, and paid for his room and meals.

Of course, that man was the Good Samaritan. I believe what some forget is the lesson from the parable. The lesson to be learned was that THAT man, who was not a Jew, at a time when Jews thought that only Jews would get to Heaven in the end of days, was more likely to be welcomed into the Kingdom of God than all the self-righteous and the rabbis.

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And who was the first person outside of Christ’s immediate circle that he announced his Messiahship to? A Samaritan woman who had serial husbands (or not quite husbands) who was so shunned by her own community that she had to come to the well when no one else was around. So maybe people should keep their self-righteous judgments where they belong - silently locked away behind a high thick wall of humility.

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Dang, get em Spencer!

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That last sentence is exactly what I said to my husband when I heard the complaints about the Sikh prayer. We think alike, Friar Klavan, but you articulate things so much better than I. I truly enjoy reading your thoughts.

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Gosh, I love you guys! The most important element y'all bring to this discussion, in my 'umble opinion, is FUN! Sure, you're brilliant an all that, but, boy howdy, you ever lovin' nail the AMEN breathed over the nascent cosmos as, permission granted (Light, be!) becomes pure delight in the final production (Now, that's good!). This joy, brothers, is indeed our strength. Thank you for making us all a little bit stronger.

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Fun indeed. The more I trans into the Kingdom of God, the more hilarity ensues.

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Diversity and multiculturalism are a slippery slope.

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Spencer "Right-On" as to those who are on our side!!

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Me too, Spencer.

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Matthew 5:44-47 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; 45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. 46 For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same? 47 And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so?

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