I like the way you are not afraid to glean the good out of another way of thinking. Too many times I believe that we shut out everything that is not “our brand“ and think it must all be evil if it’s not what we believe. We just have to be able to be solid enough to understand the good from other cultures without letting it distract us from what we know is the ultimate right way. Where the two conflict we must use Jesus!

I believe the biggest difference between Christianity and other religions, which Satan uses as a snare to snatch as many as he can, is that every other religion asks us to rely on ourselves, make ourselves good enough, and that we can only achieve our ultimate goal through our own works. Christianity is the opposite. All of our good works are filthy rags. Jesus gloves us as his creation, and had to come save us because there is no way for us to do it ourselves. Our good works are only a thank you gift back to our creator who has done all of the work to save us.

Sorry to spoil your letter tomorrow, Andrew, with my own brilliance! Lol!!

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I trained in a very traditional martial art style for years and zazen was part of that training. I’m a Christian and thought there was a connection, but Christ’s “straight and narrow” way is the true way. Lots to think about. Too much for a short comment. Enjoying this very much! Thank you Klavans.

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That’s what nirvana means? Yikes. And what of the soul? Does it also disappear into nothing?

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I hope the younger Klavan-no relation-enjoys his trip. I was an RN in a ‘refugee’ Cambodian Clinic in California ‘back in the day.’ They were a lovely people. I was blessed to know them as patients & friends. Pol Pot decimated their families. History is different when it’s up close & personal.

I did Zazen for a time also. I don’t anymore. I love hearing your perspective. Happy Lent!

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Unfortunately too many people do not know who Pol Pot was. It shocked me when I found out my adult children didn’t know.

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The lack of knowledge in history is astonishing. It started to “fall off” in the late 60’s when I was in school. There were things going on that just weren’t covered and I always wondered why?

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Jerusaleers! I love that :)

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I love this: “the hypnotic mortal light show.” Boy, that really sums it up!!!

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Spencer could have replied, “I’ll be back!”

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Thanks for this insightful comparison.

But now, I can’t stop myself from making two irreverent comments. Mrs. Klavan would undoubtedly shake her head over me also.

1. Be careful of those “overlapping circles”. This sounds dangerously like Kamala Harris of the Venn diagram cult.

2. I am comforted in the faith that no one’s karma is going to run over my dogma. Please don’t kick me out of the Klavan Kingdom for this groaner. There’s way too much weeping and gnashing of teeth out there.

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Cambodia only in a B-52? Yeah, or via JSOC. Of course, back then, I only knew of the Green Berets and Rangers. I didn’t know anything about DET Delta or Navy SEALs until I read a Clive Cussler novel. 🤷🏼‍♂️

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