As I understand God and His will, all of His creation has purpose, meaning, and life in its usefulness. Our spiritual rebirth into true humanity comes into being through our turning away from that which corrupts and separates—our everyday inclinations to and justifications for selfishness—and manifests in virtue—our useful actions, useful to Him and to others. That is why we ultimately feel true peace and fulfillment in a life centered in service to others and to God. Usefulness is the crux of His will, and thus it is our connection to Him, our oneness with His plan. Thus is paper a beautiful instrument of His creation when used for good—its true purpose—and becomes malign when misused/abused for evil—the corruption of its purpose. Of His purpose.

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Yes, yes, yes, Leah Rose!

…and the interconnected living systems of our natural world seem to show how true this is. Every living thing is alive and connected, serving its “use“ within its own community of living and non-living things. And every function or use is made possible by, and only by, energy from our sun.

So our lives can be inspired and made alive by the Lord’s love when we, of our God-given free will, clear the way of selfish motivations and look to Him to lead us in serving others… in using a blank sheet of paper to make a fun dart for the kids, or to make a list for the day, or to write a love note to our spouse.

The possibilities that the Lord has given us are endless.

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Beautiful. Thanks Curtis—great comment!

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Well said

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When I think back to my earliest memories, I remember perceiving that I was *from* somewhere, that I was brought from some peace into a material world.

When I remember that feeling, the whole of life seems like a plus.

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Oh, Klavan the Elder, I must concede your point, not because of your cogent arguments, but because my wife agrees with you.

She is one of you, who hasn’t seen a sheet of paper or composition book that she doesn’t fill with journals (gardening, birding, children’s reminiscences, Jane Austin). I come from a very different tradition, in which a blank sheet of paper is a cause for anxiety if not outright panic. She who must be obeyed reads Austin as if it were the Talmud or the Bible, and at one time I found 4 copies of Mansfield Park open in 4 different rooms. What’s a science major to do?

On a lighter note, I think Homer had little problem with his “writings” although we know them now because they were transcribed. The Mona Lisa was painted, I believe, on wood, and the Last Supper and SIstine Chapel were both frescos. Just begging the question for fun.

I agree that the creation of paper and canvas, and word processors and computers and pencils, pens, etc are lovely in themselves as acts of creation. So is a well designed and machined Smith and Wesson AR-15 as well as the 24” parabolic mirror at the base of my telescope. These creations are all good and have appropriate and inappropriate uses. Good things may be brought to evil ends. However, you cannot have good ends from evil means, certainly in ethics.

Thanks for starting this enjoyable and engrossing ongoing discussion, the New Jerusalem.

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That was really a fun conversation 😄

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God’s wrath is sometimes difficult to understand. If I create an image of myself, and something is terribly wrong, I understand destroying it and starting over. I would not feel the same about my own children. Maybe, if I had a million children, I might understand tossing a few of the most rotten into the fire, but I’m a few short of that number. 🤔

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We are only a child of God if we follow God's word. When a death in the family strikes you know the person is in Paradise with God. Those who did not learn the truth will have a chance to learn in the Millennium. God would prefer "all to be saved"; unfortunately, not all will be saved. We do not want evil to prevail.

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And a child of the devil if we follow his false doctrine, apostate religions or evil plan .

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It is merciful for God to destroy a society that has become so corrupt that there are no good men. When women and children don't have any chance, he will only tolerate that for so long.

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And what of Uzza? What was his sin, but to keep the Ark from toppling? Sure, I understand 4 of the 5 Cities of the Plain being destroyed. I did say “sometimes,” not always.

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Corruption is a process and the world is getting more corrupt with every passing second.

But is there something moving in the other direction simultaneously? Doesn’t there have to be?

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Thank you for helping us to remember that life is a beautiful gift.

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Well said, preacher. Paper, canvas beautiful? Perhaps in your eye. My eye sees potential good and beauty when I try to see with God's eye, which eye has not gone on vacation leaving us to continue the work (God forbid), but which insists every second to see his fabulous plan unfolding right before our eyes, and to be part of it, even loving as best we can every one of His corrupt, ugly children.

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