scientists have discovered a new potential method for surviving the klavanless week, clinical trials begin now

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Father and son, artist and scholar, collaborators, but definitely not-related! Thank you both! Looking forward to this very much!

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It’s really very simple

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This is exactly what I have been looking for

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What I’m thinking:

What if eschatology isn’t linear but resembles Gods act of creation like a rock entering the pond and the Resurrection is the outer rings of time/meaning where the rings of water are rolled up by the edges of Gods sovereignty are now returning to the center of the pond. The Eternal now?

What if Howes “The Fourth Turning is Now” description of systems,

1. Simple

2. Complex

3. Complicated

4. Chaotic

Should be descriptive of the churches engagement with culture? With the churches starting point or default position as chaos versus institutional religions infatuation with homeostasis (simple personal isolated faith experience)

What if the Beatitudes are descriptive of a pilgrimage/catechism to Jesus and not the 2nd Temple. What is revealed through the Song of Ascents Psalm 120-134 as a lens to understanding the beatitudes?

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We are here and ready to read! Thanks for putting this together.

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Andrew, I look forward to your podcasts each week because you present thought-provoking insights about what's happening in our world. Now, after reading this manifesto written by you and Spencer, I also look forward to the journey toward The New Jerusalem, Klavan-style. :)

As always, I appreciate the synthesis of the arts and humanities in your discussions. Thank you!

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Yes and Amen

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Looking forward to it!

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I am simply thrilled to have access to two minds - albeit unrelated - that have the capacity to view the promise of God amidst this post-modernist angst.

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This essay brings to mind the work of C. S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man.

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How long have we waited . . . . .

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I am so delighted and grateful to Andrew and Spencer for performing this valuable and blessed service to those of us seeking in depth answers on our continuing spiritual quest in this fallen world.

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This is fantastic! You guys are finally doing something important and using your superpowers for good instead of evil!!🤣JK!

I love listening to both of you guys, love The House of Love and Death, your perceptions on politics and society, your unfiltered honesty, and your interest in discovering truth instead of pushing an agenda.

Andrew, I sat with you at Lunch at The Greenbrier with Max McLean earlier this year. We talked about a book that fits perfectly with this topic. I’ll send you and Spencer a copy of it.

The best of luck to you both!!

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I am so excited about this journey. It will get me through Klavanless weeks and I intend to share with my sons. Thank you.

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May the Lord continue to bless and keep us all. Love you guys!

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I'm thrilled to be part of the adventure of letter writing between father and son. I hope someday I will be able to embark on a journey as beautiful as this with my own.

Both you and your father deeply inspire me personally, so thank you for the bravery in coming into the public eye with not only your ideas (frightening enough) but revealing your relationship.

Your essay reminds me that while history cycles between meridians, beautiful futures arise when built by those brave enough to both herald and dance with the storm.

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As always, beautiful (and yes, entertaining) writing. I look forward to the next essay.

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