Thank you, Klavans, for sharing words to strengthen faith in Christ, give hope and comfort. I believe that if we live the good life and ask in faith, we may be given a glimpse of the fabulous eternal design of God. With that eternal perspective we can press forward with assurance of His love, mercy and benevolent power in all our lives. God lives.

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That's the best definition of Eternity I've ever heard: all time, all together, all at once. Thank you!

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Whoa! Very astute, profound and thought-provoking. Your friendship with Socrates has made you wise indeed! Seriously, I love the way you frame our limited understanding of eternity. Then you point out that we can experience the joy of knowing the Eternal One. And yes, it is pure joy.

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What a lovely and inspired piece. Thank you. 💜

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What does God do after the end of time ?

Kick back , light his pipe & say well that was something wasn’t it . Then gets nagged by Mrs God “now you’ve finally finished that crossword puzzle you can go paint the fence at the end of garden of Eden , which I’ve been asking you to do since the beginning of time”

Then off he trots with paint brush in hand .

Now thats humility

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"But here are two things we can say from our human perspective. One, if God intended Trump to be dead, he’d be dead. And two, since Trump is not dead, he should ask himself: What does God want me to do with this moment?"

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