It’s been very noticeable to me as a Baby Boomer that the “horror” movies of my childhood and teen years now appear so tame and kitschy as to seem comical rather than frightening (paging Vincent Price…). As for television, depictions of graphic brutality have in recent years become routine. It has become increasingly difficult for my husband and me to find police and detective dramas to enjoy watching together, because I just can’t and won’t tolerate the seemingly obligatory torture scenes. References to and graphic suggestions of a particular [once considered perverted] sexual act are also distressingly difficult to avoid. I believe these things are intended to desensitize us to evil, and to create feelings of isolation and despair in those of us who resist desensitization.

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"I believe these things are intended to desensitize us to evil, and to create feelings of isolation and despair in those of us who resist desensitization." So insightful.

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"As for television, depictions of graphic brutality have in recent years become routine."

Nefarious (2023)


FYI Nefarious is Free on Youtube. If you haven't watched, do yourself a favor.

There was a time when The violence & brutality was there, but it was Off Screen you had to use you imagination. Now Nothing is left to the imagination it all right there. "I Am Curious (Yellow)" when it came out in 67 caused A HUGE controversy. Because it showed Full Frontal Nudity. Today No Big Deal. No need to use your imagination.

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Sep 24·edited Sep 24

Thank you for the recommendation, Steve. Wrt film, I too remember the controversy over "I Am Curious (Yellow)". Looking back, it appears to have been one of those "thin edge of the wedge" events -- one of the little rockfalls that portend a coming landslide. The shuttering of the much-derided Hays Office (or Hays Code) was to be another, larger, rockfall. Imo it's no accident that so many beloved films, works still admired as classics of the genre, were made during the Hays Office era. I think we've been learning that -- in effect and probably not even intentionally -- the Hays Code restrictions were much less about censorship than about the facilitation of artistry.

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Back then when 2 people kissed and went into the bedroom I don't Need to see what they are doing. I have An Imagination,, and some experience :-). These days its almost XXX rating.

Very often in The Arts Less is Really More.

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Jesus Christ offers redemption from the unrighteous desire for death. That’s why he came, to save us from our own self-destruction inspired by the enemy of our souls, embedded deep in the flesh. Choose Him, follow Him and leave the hell-scape of misery, the deep sleep of hell. I plagiarize His word and thank you for the platform .

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Attempting to simplify a complicated subject: Your spirit is the intellect of your soul. They are both invisible forces. Therefore, your intellect, which is your spirit does your thinking for you. Your soul is the embodiment of that spirit. It feels. It responds to emotions, such as love, including love of the Holy Spirit. In this dimension, while in the flesh, we cannot see the spirit nor the soul; however, when we go to Paradise without our flesh bodies, we will find rest for our visible souls. The spirit, being the intellect will not be visible. (Jeremiah 6: 14-16)

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Romans chapter 7, especially 21-25. But thanks be to God who delivers me through Christ

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I think these movies are good to remind us what the human imagination can conjure up. And what the imagination can conjure up, the human being can aspire too. Think Hamas for example. I think you’re fascinated by horror because ignorance of what humans can do is not a good thing. If you are naive, you make yourself vulnerable to trauma when the true nature of the world reveals itself. Morbid fascination is a healthy thing for the inquiring mind.

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I mean, the bible isn’t exactly light on the gore.

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*aspire to. Not too. Bloody autocorrect.

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Maybe this is why all that is between the veil and us is an altar

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If it’s “death we desire” we 1st need to know what consciousness is and more importantly means?

Let’s take the 3 bodied problem mentioned by your unrelated son alongside the trinity.

The 3 bodied problem throws up outcomes that can’t be predicted. (Or free will)

The trinity ; the farther , son, & Holy Spirit . are all conscious entities we try to emulate .

Taking just one way we emulate the 3 bodied problem of consciousness is music.

1)Take a musician and a violin & bow (matter)

2)the energy to pull the bow across the strings (entropy)

3)the tune that emanates from the instrument (wavelengths)

When the music stops is that the death you speak of ?

If so how did the (matter)(entropy)&(wavelengths) come to be without a pre-existing consciousness to bring them into existence?

The very consciousness we emerged from

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Sep 24·edited Sep 24

As I kid I watched horror movies like I rode roller coasters, to prove to myself that I could withstand it.

But as an adult, I use art differently.

I find myself looking for goodness, some reason in the chaos, and most of the time it’s not there.

Funny enough, I liked Terrifier 2 even though it was hands down the goriest movie I've ever seen; it still had soul.

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"I find myself looking for goodness, some reason in the chaos"

My My Such Old Fashioned Ideas. /Snark

Today its all about Shock, and after awhile nothing is really shocking anymore.

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I like the idea of saying our prayers and moving on.

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